Building a simple responsive images pipeline with Gulp
I have been working with static site generators a lot lately. One thing I missed is a configurable image pipeline to automate the process of creating thumbnails for responsive images and the likes, so I looked into building one with Gulp.
Over the last year or so, I have really become a fan of using static site generators for prototyping or even for full blown websites. This JAMstack thing is growing on me, but I wanted a way to deal with responsive images and thumbnails generation as part of the build process.
Generating all these thumbnails on every build is time consuming, so I wanted something working incrementally. It is also nice to have a central place where you can configure all the image transforms you need. Finally, I wanted something clean that keeps my dist
folder free of cruft.
Here is what I wanted these Gulp tasks to do for me:
- Copy and optimize images form
only if images insrc
are newer than images indist
. - Use a simple configuration array of objects to generate and optimize image thumbnails for selected folders in
using ImageMagick. - Delete images and related thumbnails in my
folder when images are deleted from thesrc
folder or renamed. - Delete unused folders in my
folder when transform objects are modified in the configuration array or when images insrc
are moved around.
Let's get to work.
Packages and configuration
Apart from Gulp itself, we will need a few packages to accomplish this:
- del: delete files and folders
- deleteEmpty: delete empty folders recursively
- globby: match files and folders using globs and expose a Promise API
- gulp-imagemin: minify images
- gulp-image-resize: resize images using ImageMagick
- gulp-newer: only pass through source files newer than destination files
- merge2: merge multiple streams into one stream in sequence or parallel (we will use the parallel option for performance)
After installing these packages with NPM, we need to import them at the top of our gulpfile.js file.
const del = require("del");
const deleteEmpty = require("delete-empty");
const globby = require("globby");
const gulp = require("gulp");
const gulpImagemin = require("gulp-imagemin");
const gulpImageresize = require("gulp-image-resize");
const gulpNewer = require("gulp-newer");
const merge2 = require("merge2");
To configure image transforms, we simply use an array of objects:
const transforms = [
src: "./assets/img/blogposts/*",
dist: "./public/assets/img/blogposts/",
params: {
width: 800,
height: 600,
crop: true,
src: "./assets/img/banners/*",
dist: "./public/assets/img/banners/",
params: {
width: 1500,
height: 844,
crop: true,
Now that we have everything we need, let's tackle our objectives one by one.
Copy and optimise source images
First, let's simply copy our src
images into our dist
folder and optimise them. We want that operation to be incremental and only target images in src
that are newer than the files already sitting in our dist
folder. To do this, we simply use gulp-newer
and feed it the path to our dist
folder. Job done. Gulp only copies new or modified images.
We'll come back to that img:clean
task we specify as a dependency a bit later.
* Copy original images
* - check if images are newer than existing ones
* - if they are, optimise and copy them
* - ignore (empty) directories
gulp.task("img:copy", ["img:clean"], () => {
return gulp
.src("./assets/img/**/*", { nodir: true })
progressive: true,
svgoPlugins: [
{ removeViewBox: false },
{ removeUselessStrokeAndFill: false },
Create thumbnails
Next, we want to create our thumbnails using ImageMagick. If we only had one image folder to deal with, it would be a trivial task: pipe the images through gulp-newer
, then through gulp-image-resize
and finally through gulp-imagemin
before saving the output to our dist
Here, we have to walk over our configuration array and, for each transform, repeat these operations. If possible, we also want to do it in parallel to optimize our build process.
That's what merge2
is used for. It merges multiple streams into one and, when fed an array of streams, processes them in parallel.
* Make thumbnails
* 1. walk transforms array to build an array of streams
* - get src images
* - check if images in src are newer than images in dist
* - if they are, make thumbnails and minify
* 2. merge streams to create all thumbnails in parallel
gulp.task("img:thumbnails", ["img:clean"], () => {
// create empty streams array for merge2
const streams = [];
// loop through transforms and add to streams array
transforms.map((transform) => {
// create a stream for each transform
transform.dist +
"thumbs_" +
transform.params.width +
"x" +
imageMagick: true,
width: transform.params.width,
height: transform.params.height,
crop: transform.params.crop,
progressive: true,
svgoPlugins: [
{ removeViewBox: false },
{ removeUselessStrokeAndFill: false },
transform.dist +
"thumbs_" +
transform.params.width +
"x" +
// merge streams
return merge2(streams);
Our thumbnails have the same filenames as the original images and we store them in subfolders named after the following pattern: "thumbs_[width]x[height]".
For example, if we configure a transform to generate "800" per "600" thumbnails for images in src/assets/images/blogposts
, the generated thumbnails will be stored in dist/assets/images/blogposts/thumbs_800x600/
Clean thumbnails
Here comes the trickier part. Whenever an image in src
is deleted, moved or renamed, we need to get rid of both the base image and the relevant generated thumbnails in dist
Because every image in our dist
folder is generated or copied programmatically, we can easily write a few lines of code to compare their file paths with the file paths of original images in our src
folder. If we don't find a match, we know we can safely delete those files from dist
Looping over a large amount of files and filtering paths can take quite a few milliseconds (which is a long time in Gulp world). We make sure we wait for that process to happen before carrying on by using globby
and promises.
* Clean images
* 1. get arrays of filepaths in images src (base images) and dist (base images and thumbnails)
* 2. Diffing process
* - build list of filepaths in src
* - loop through filepaths in dist, remove dist and thumbnails specific parts
* to get both base images and corresponding thumbnails, compare with filepaths in src
* - if no match, add full dist image filepath to delete array
* 3. Delete files (base images and thumbnails)
gulp.task("img:clean", ["img:clean:directories"], () => {
// get arrays of src and dist filepaths (returns array of arrays)
return Promise.all([
globby("./assets/img/**/*", { nodir: true }),
globby("./public/assets/img/**/*", { nodir: true }),
.then((paths) => {
// create arrays of filepaths from array of arrays returned by promise
const srcFilepaths = paths[0];
const distFilepaths = paths[1];
// empty array of files to delete
const distFilesToDelete = [];
// diffing
distFilepaths.map((distFilepath) => {
// sdistFilepathFiltered: remove dist root folder and thumbs folders names for comparison
const distFilepathFiltered = distFilepath
.replace(/\/public/, "")
.replace(/thumbs_[0-9]+x[0-9]+\//, "");
// check if simplified dist filepath is in array of src simplified filepaths
// if not, add the full path to the distFilesToDelete array
if (srcFilepaths.indexOf(distFilepathFiltered) === -1) {
// return array of files to delete
return distFilesToDelete;
.then((distFilesToDelete) => {
// delete files
.catch((error) => {
That img:clean
task and its dependencies are called systematically before thumbnails are generated as well as before src
images are copied to dist
Clean unused thumbnail folders
We might modify our array of transform objects or delete or move all images in a given folder. To keep things tidy, we need to get rid of those useless folders potentially remaining in our dist
folder. That's what the img:clean:directories
task does.
Using the tried and trusted globby
package, we simply loop though all thumbnails folders in dist
(that's quite easy since they all use the same generated names), compare them with the array of objects we use to configure all our transforms, and get rid of all the folders that are not in use anymore.
For good measure, we also get rid of all empty thumbnails directories lying around in our dist
* Clean unused directories
* 1. Diffing process between src and dist
* - Build array of all thumbs_xxx directories that should exist using the transforms map
* - Build array of all thumbs_xxx directories actually in dist
* - Diffing: array of all unused thumbnails directories in dist
* 2. Delete files
* 3. Delete all empty folders in dist images
gulp.task("img:clean:directories", () => {
.then((paths) => {
console.log("All thumbs folders: " + paths);
// existing thumbs directories in dist
const distThumbsDirs = paths;
// create array of dirs that should exist by walking transforms map
const srcThumbsDirs = transforms.map(
(transform) =>
transform.dist +
"thumbs_" +
transform.params.width +
"x" +
transform.params.height +
// array of dirs to delete
const todeleteThumbsDirs = distThumbsDirs.filter(
(el) => srcThumbsDirs.indexOf(el) === -1
console.log("To delete thumbs folders: " + todeleteThumbsDirs);
// pass array to next step
return todeleteThumbsDirs;
.then((todeleteThumbsDirs) => {
// deleted diff thumbnails directories
.then(() => {
// delete empty directories in dist images
.catch((error) => {
Create tasks
Finally, we just need to be able to group those tasks under one name for convenience and to setup our watch task.
* We just need img:copy and img:thumbnails.
* All other tasks are dependencies
gulp.task("img", ["img:copy", "img:thumbnails"]);
* watch task
gulp.task("watch", ["browser-sync"], () => {
gulp.watch(["assets/img/**/*"], ["img"]);
A nice little image pipeline
With a few line of JS, we have a small but powerful image pipeline built with Gulp and Node that can be used with pretty much any static site generator on the market. Sure, services like Cloudinary and imgIX are great but they are overkill for most of the projects I work on, and it also introduces another dependency. This small project also gave me the opportunity to write some ES6, to work with Promises and to prove once more than, indeed, front-end is not programming.
This series of Gulp tasks should be able to deal with even a large amount of images and is pretty easy to customise to suit your needs if you feel so inclined.
Thanks for reading and don't hesitate to hit me up if you have remarks or comments. Here is the full file as a Gist for reference.