Minimalist video player
For a recent project, I needed a minimalist video player for services like Youtube and Vimeo. The objectives were to wait for user interaction to load videos, have a custom cover image and build a straightforward and maintainable solution.
The website I was working on could potentially have up to 12 video players on a single page. For performance reasons, I didn't want to load all these iframe
and their content on first load. The client also wanted their videos to have a custom cover image and was using Vimeo and Youtube as video services.
On my side, I wanted to come up with something simple to maintain and that didn't depend on the ever-changing APIs of these services. I also wanted a fallback in the form of a link to these video services if the JavaScript didn't work or was not loaded.
Since I was going for a progressively enhanced solution, I settled on JavaScript modules as my cut the mustard test and checked for template
tag support on top of that.
HTML foundations
I started with some (hopefully) semantic HTML code:
- a working link to the video on the relevant service
- a responsive cover image
- data attributes to store the ID of the video and the video service (used to dynamically create the
value with JavaScript)
<div class="c-videoplayer js-video-player" data-video-service="vimeo" data-video-id="174919644">
<a class="c-videoplayer__link js-video-link" href="https://vimeo.com/174919644" aria-label="play video: video title">
<img src="https://picsum.photos/id/239/600/338"
srcset="https://picsum.photos/id/239/600/338 600w,
https://picsum.photos/id/239/800/450 800w"
sizes="(min-width: 1440px) 720px,
(min-width: 750px) 50vw,
<template class="js-video-template">
<iframe src="" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I decided to have a template
tag wrapped around the iframe
to prevent it from rendering on page load. While it is certainly possible to generate the iframe
entirely in JavaScript, it made more sense to me to have as much of the markup as possible in the HTML.
I also included that template inside every video player to make it more of a self-contained "component".
Add some CSS
In terms of styles, the player needed to always have an aspect ratio of 16 by 9. The link or the iframe
could then be absolutely positioned relative to the player to fill all the available space. A custom SVG "play" icon can be thrown in using generated content.
/* --------------------------------
-------------------------------- */
.c-videoplayer {
position: relative;
background-color: black;
aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;
background: #000000;
@supports not (aspect-ratio: 16 / 9) {
.c-videoplayer {
padding-top: 56.25%;
.c-videoplayer > iframe {
border: none;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.c-videoplayer__link::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
background-image: url(../img/icon_play.svg);
background-position: 50% 50%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
transition: transform 0.2s ease-out;
@media all and (min-width: 500px) {
.c-videoplayer__link::after {
width: 72px;
height: 72px;
.c-videoplayer__link:focus::after {
transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) scale(1.1);
.c-videoplayer__cover {
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
object-fit: cover;
transition: opacity 0.2s ease-out;
.c-videoplayer__link:hover > .c-videoplayer__cover,
.c-videoplayer__link:focus > .c-videoplayer__cover {
opacity: 0.72;
We now have a working baseline in the form of an humble anchor tag wrapped around a responsive cover image and linking to the video on the relevant video service.
We can now add a layer of JavaScript to replace that link with a fully functional iframe
when the link is clicked.
A sprinkle of JS
If we break down what our JavaScript code needs to accomplish, here is what we come up with:
- test if the browser supports the
element (and bail out if it does not) - use the values of the
attributes to create the relevantsrc
value for theiframe
- grab the
and import its content - generate and add the relevant
value to theiframe
- replace the link with a functional iframe when the link is clicked
* CSS selectors
const SELECTORS = {
player: ".js-video-player",
link: ".js-video-link",
template: ".js-video-template",
* Check if HTML templates are supprted
* @returns {Boolean} is template tag supported
function supportsTemplate() {
return "content" in document.createElement("template");
* Build iframe src value
* @param {String} videoService
* @param {String} videoId
* @returns {String} src url for iframe
function getIframeSrc(videoService, videoId) {
let iframeSrc = "";
if (videoService === "youtube") {
iframeSrc = `https://www.youtube.com/embed/${videoId}?autoplay=1`;
if (videoService === "vimeo") {
iframeSrc = `https://player.vimeo.com/video/${videoId}?color=e76c34&title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=1`;
return iframeSrc;
* Get all players in the page
* Swap the placeholder image and link for a video iframe
function init() {
// cut the mustard test
if (!supportsTemplate()) {
console.log("Your browser does not support the template tag");
// get all players
const players = document.querySelectorAll(SELECTORS.player);
// loop through players
players.forEach((player) => {
// get values
const service = player.dataset.videoService;
const id = player.dataset.videoId;
// checks
if (service !== "youtube" && service !== "vimeo") return;
if (!id) return;
// prepare iframe src and check
const iframeSrc = getIframeSrc(service, id);
if (iframeSrc === "") return;
// get and import template
const template = player.querySelector(SELECTORS.template);
const templateContent = document.importNode(template.content, true);
// get iframe
const iframe = templateContent.querySelector("iframe");
// add src to iframe
iframe.src = iframeSrc;
// get link
const link = player.querySelector(SELECTORS.link);
// when link is clicked,
// replace link (and image) with the template content
function (event) {
export default init;
On the CMS or SSG side of things, we need the following pieces of data:
- a string to identify the service used to host the video
- the ID of the video
- the title of the video
- a full URL to the video on Youtube or Vimeo (can be built from the ID and service)
We now have a minimalist customizable and maintainable video player falling back to a link wrapped around a responsive image. We can also have a page with many of those players without loading several iframe
and their content when that page is initially loaded.
The main downside of using this method is that, using mobile browsers, videos will not autoplay, which means users will need to make two clicks to play them. To me, that's a very reasonable tradeoff to make.