Building front-end style guides with Jekyll
Style guides are a great tool to present responsive design systems. More often than not, I use Jekyll to produce HTML/CSS/JS prototypes these days. Here is my current approach to quickly create style guides for clients with Jekyll.
Style guides and prototypes
Since the advent of the multi-platform web and responsive web design, I try to move to code as quickly as possible. I find it easier to demonstrate the responsiveness of my designs, CSS animations and other light interactivity in the browser.
While I don't go as far as working with a full on atomic design approach, I am in favor of presenting clients with a design system rather than with full comps during the exploratory phases of a project.
Tools like visual inventories, style tiles and elements collages are modular approaches I use during the design process. I usually complement those deliverables by a style guide or pattern portfolio presenting the various building blocks of the design system in actual HTML/CSS/JS code.
Why Jekyll makes sense for me
As front-end developers, our toolset has become relatively complex. For most projects, I will use and configure quite a few moving parts (Gulp, Bower, Sass, Git, CMS, Servers, etc.). During the design phase, I tend to favour a leaner toolset.
Jekyll fits the bill for me in that regard. It is simple to configure, use and version control and offers the basic functionalities I need without getting in the way: native Sass compilation, a simple but powerful templating language, an easy way to manage includes and layouts, etc.
Jekyll boilerplate for style guides
I currently use a very simple Jekyll boilerplate (available on Github). It revolves around a simple collection called _components
for which I set the output to false
in the _config.yml
file. Each component is simply an HTML file in that directory.
The YAML front matter for each of those files contains:
- the title of the component
- a link to the sass file for that component
- a type variable that we will use to filter or group components by type (more on that later)
In the _include
folder I have a single file called component.html
which contains the code to display components. Using an include is just a way to be DRY when using the display code multiple times. That include basically displays the code of the component twice:
- once to create the display view of the component
- a second time between
{% highlight %}
and{% endhighlight %}
tags to create the code view
Option 1: a very simple style guide
A very common option for displaying a style guide is to present it as a single page listing all your components. That's the approach favoured by Code for America for example. It's easily taken care of using a simple {% for %}
{% assign entries = site.components %}
{% for entry in entries %}
{% include component.html %}
{% endfor %}
Alternatively, you can group your components by type using a straightforward group_by
{% assign componentsByType = site.components | group_by:"type" %}
{% for type in componentsByType %}
<h3 class="sg-h2">{{ type.name | capitalize }}</h3>
{% for entry in type.items %}
{% include component.html %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Option 2: a more complex style guide
Some style guides, like Rizzo from Lonely Planet, use a more detailed structure, with one page per component type and a navigation interface to navigate from page to page. You can easily use pages and a simple data file to create the navigation.
The only thing left to do is include all components belonging to one type on the corresponding page. That's where the type
variable in each of our components YAML Front Matter combined with the where
filter come in handy. On the buttons page for example, you will just have to add:
{% assign entries = site.components | where:"type","buttons" %}
{% for entry in entries %}
{% include component.html %}
{% endfor %}
I really like the simplicity and flexibility of Jekyll to create style guides. What tool do you use ?