From Jekyll to Eleventy
Jekyll is still a static site generator I like, use and follow. Nevertheless, when I finally had the time to update this site, I chose to go with Eleventy.
Choosing a static site generator
Static site generators have gained a lot of traction lately, thanks to the pervasiveness of API, Git based workflows, powerful javascript frameworks, headless CMS and unified data layers powered by GraphQL. They have become a sensible choice for all kinds of websites.
Webstoemp was previously running on Jekyll, which I liked because of its ease of use and flexibility. However, it was a bit slow compared to other options and forced me to keep a Ruby environment up to date. I experimented with several other contenders and eventually ended up with Hugo and Eleventy in my shortlist.
Hugo being written in Go, it's blazing fast. It is also a binary so you don't have to maintain a Go environment. I actually built the entire V2 of Webstoemp with Hugo as an experiment and really liked it.
Its only downsides for me were the go templating language, which needs a bit of getting used to, and the fact that Hugo is an all encompassing solution, which can be extremely useful for large scale projects but didn't quite appeal to the tinkerer in me.
Which brings me to Eleventy. Being written in Node, it gives you access to the NPM ecosystem to extend it, is easy to use, and is quite a lot faster than Jekyll (albeit not being as fast as Hugo).
Eleventy also works with several template languages, which was an added bonus.
Setting things up
I chose Nunjucks by Mozilla as my main templating engine and only needed markdown and html files apart from that.
Nunjucks lacks date and limit filters so I just went ahead and added them in eleventy.js
. I used the well known moment.js
library for the date filter.
const moment = require("moment");
// limit filter
eleventyConfig.addNunjucksFilter("limit", function (array, limit) {
return array.slice(0, limit);
// date filter
eleventyConfig.addNunjucksFilter("date", function (date, format) {
return moment(date).format(format);
Since I am using Gulp as a build tool, I had to tell Eleventy to ignore my assets. I just added the following line to my .eleventyignore
file at the root of the project:
The next step was to add Eleventy to gulpfile.js
using Node's child_process
. That way, I can easily run it as a part of my build
and watch
// packages
const cp = require("child_process");
// Eleventy
function build() {
return cp.spawn("npx", ["eleventy", "--quiet"], { stdio: "inherit" });
Data structure
For this simple website, I only needed two collections (blogposts and projects) for which I created two folders full of markdown files with YAML front-matters.
Eleventy has a neat little feature allowing you to use JSON files with the same name as your directory to declare common front matter values for all files in that directory. For example, I use a blogposts.json
file in my blogposts
directory to specify a layout and a permalink structure for all blogposts.
"layout": "layouts/blogpost.njk",
"permalink": "blog/{{ page.fileSlug }}/index.html"
Projects do not need their own detail pages, so I use a projects.json
file in my projects
directory to set their permalink
to false
and don't specify a layout
"permalink": false
To create both collections and allow Eleventy to process them, I used the getFilteredByGlob( glob )
const moment = require("moment");
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
// blogpost collection
eleventyConfig.addCollection("blogposts", function (collection) {
return collection.getFilteredByGlob("./src/blogposts/*.md");
// projects collection
eleventyConfig.addCollection("projects", function (collection) {
return collection.getFilteredByGlob("./src/projects/*.md");
// limit filter
eleventyConfig.addNunjucksFilter("limit", function (array, limit) {
return array.slice(0, limit);
// date filter
eleventyConfig.addNunjucksFilter("date", function (date, format) {
return moment(date).format(format);
// Base config
return {
dir: {
input: "src",
output: "dist",
Data files
Eleventy lets you easily work with JSON or JS data files located in a ./src/_data
folder by default.
For example, I use a ./src/_data/site.js
file to define site-wide variables that I can access easily access in any template by using the name of the file and one of the object keys.
module.exports = {
title: "Webstoemp",
"Webstoemp is the portfolio and blog of Jérôme Coupé, a designer and front-end developer from Brussels, Belgium.",
url: "https://www.webstoemp.com",
baseUrl: "/",
author: "Jerôme Coupé",
authorTwitter: "@jeromecoupe",
buildTime: new Date(),
key can then be used in the footer of the website:
<div class="c-sitefooter__copyright">
<p class="u-mb-none u-mi-none">© Webstoemp {{ site.buildTime | date("Y") }}</p>
Templating with Nunjucks
I chose Nunjucks mainly because of its template inheritance mechanism. I can define a base template and then extend it with other templates if needs be.
Looping through the blogposts collection to display titles and publication dates is quite simple.
{% for post in collections.blogposts | reverse %}
{% if loop.first %}<ul class="c-list-ui">{% endif %}
<article class="c-blogteaser">
<p class="c-blogteaser__date"><time datetime="{{ post.date | date('Y-M-DD') }}">{{ post.date|date("MMMM Do, Y") }}</time></p>
<h2 class="c-blogteaser__title"><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.data.title }}</a></h2>
{% if loop.last %}</ul>{% endif %}
{% else %}
<p>No blogpost found</p>
{% endfor %}
As you have seen above, I use a dedicated template to display the detail of each blogpost. _includes/layouts/blogpost.nkj
calls my main layout and adds the blogpost image and the content of the markdown file to the content
{% extends "layouts/base.njk" %}
{% set activeSection = "blog" %}
{% set metaTitle = title %}
{% set metaDescription = excerpt %}
{% set metaImage = site.url ~ "/img/blogposts/_600x600/" ~ image %}
{% block content %}
<article class="c-blogpost">
<div class="c-blogpost__media">
<div class="l-container">
<source media="(min-width: 500px)"
srcset="/img/blogposts/_1024x576/{{ image }} 1024w,
/img/blogposts/{{ image }} 1500w"
sizes="(min-width: 1140px) 1140px,
<img src="/img/blogposts/_600x600/{{ image }}"
alt="{{ imageAlt }}">
<div class="c-blogpost__body l-container l-container--narrow">
<p class="c-suptitle c-suptitle--dark"><time datetime="{{ page.date | date('Y-M-DD') }}">{{ page.date | date("MMMM Do, YYYY") }}</time></p>
<h1 class="c-h1">{{ title }}</h1>
<div class="c-blogpost__intro">
<p>{{ excerpt }}</p>
<div class="c-wysiwyg">
{{ content | safe }}
{% endblock %}
The same logic is used for displaying projects, with a little caveat. Because we don't have a dedicated template for projects, we just have to use templateContent
to display the content of markdown files. Here is a simplified version of the code.
{% for project in collections.projects | reverse %}
{{ project.templateContent | safe }}
{% endfor %}
Happy with the move
All in all, I am quite happy with the move to Eleventy and the redesign. The full code for this website can be found on Github, should you be interested in poking through it.